Armed Dragon

King of Games from on August 6th, 2023
Gems 47k
26 cards

Notes & Combos

Wanna hear something fun ? I just realized the armed dragon skill only prevents you from using the foolished monsters as fusion materials if you change their attributes to dark.

Considering the high amount of normal monsters to foolish, you can easily abuse : -Miracle fusion (neos being lv7, you can even easily foolish 2 e heroes to summon sunrise to make a rank 7 and use the other miracle fusion it gets you to summon great tornado for exemple. A lot of potential in my opinion) -Dark calling (dark gaia is really fun) -Dragon mirror (just foolish a normal dark dragon lv 3 monster + dad and borrelload will be happy to destroy your opponent) -Magicalised fusion (the dark magician fusions are really great and there are numerous normal lv3 warriors monsters to foolish with dark magician) -Necro fusion (surprise your ennemy with alkahest as the metalfoes are normal monsters)

And last but not least : fossil fusion, the most competitive in my opinion as the disruption of the lv8 warrior is excellent going 1st against orcust and speedroid and the other lv 8 are really good going 2nd. As a result, I chose to use this engine with feast of the wild lv5 (rank 5 for free) as we have excellent go 1st and go 2nd rank 5 monsters. I generally used the skill to foolish the normal monsters depending on the extender I had in hand (ideally all of them if I have 1 normal monster in hand). As the skill forces you to change the attibute of at least 1 monster to dark, I played the strongest lv5 non dark normal warrior monster. DAD being much less necessary in this build, I finally added some strong traps to have a good balance of consistency and extenders/removal to help the armed dragon strategy.

I had this idea this morning so still a lot of room for experimentation but I am really happy with the result. Feast and fossil fusion both give board breaking going 2nd and disruptions going 1st, you have an easy access wih the skill and lv7 to White lv10 which is an excellent extender too. As a result, this build is really good going 1st and 2nd and lightning allowing you to keep a disruption even after dark hole is the icy on the cake (it also allows needle ceiling abuse but I was not convinced).

Other possibility : using the foolish as a starter, works especially well with dark magician and eternal soul Considering how quickly armed dragon emplies its deck, it really increases the odds of circle adding soul to the hand (and the draw 1 from the lv3 even helps further).

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