Abyss Actors

King of Games from on August 6th, 2023
Gems 41k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Shout-out to "Rui Hepburn". I don't know him ofcourse but he inspired me to pick up this deck and play it again. I'm playing a similar build to his (not super identical but its the same concept overall). He topped at least 3-4 tournaments with abyss actors so far. So yeah, that peaked my interest. Great Job brother🫡

Regarding the climb, it was not terrible. I've definitely had worse climbs. Sealed tombs is amazing ofcourse (always been). Comic relief is MVP. The dark holes and the princesses carried (feel free to change the ratios ofcourse if you feel 3 and 3 is too much). I KOGed in 60 wins. Down below, you'll see the 4 games of Legend 5 + The 5th game which is the KOG one. I'll try in the next few days to post on YouTube like, 40+ abyss actor games crammed in one video (x2 speed) for those who wanna know whether they wanna invest in this deck or not. It wil help you guys judge the deck more precisely I guess. Im just tryna help whoever's in need👍. I'll post the Link here in the comment section when im done with the video.

Shout-out to Gyro, Anicheese, Poison, Ed, Danny, Vince, and Neximon for giving me positive vibes in my KOG stream. You guys are amazing 🙏

Good luck with your climbs, fellas. Peace and Love 🫡❤️

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