Hazy Flame

King of Games from on August 6th, 2022
Gems 27.5k + $150
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Hazy as an archetype should have been powercrept to oblivion by now, but somehow it can still find a niche in this meta. Beatdown is still useful in backrow heavy matchups like PK, but it doesn't really have the reach it once did against decks like Galaxy or D/D/D. Arvata and stegocyber were important for dealing with hero, as keeping them away from polymerization and stalling like crazy seems to be the proper win condition. If you do the arvata/rhinosebus combo, you can force Yazi to miss timing by destroying Yazi during chain link 2 with Rhino. Red layer is one of the only cards you want to see multiple copies of, as he can act as 2 FIRE monsters for Peryton and Agni. Agni is the best card you can see going 2nd, and one of the worst going 1st.

You can't make me get rid of Dragon Ice. You can try, but it won't work.

I'm still pretty bummed that Tribute Drive was an event-only skill.

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