
King of Games from on April 7th, 2024
Gems 25.5k + $12
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck just pushes for big damage and most decks get outpaced. The thunder gazelle at 2 is mainly to help with turn 2 pushes that feel kinda lackluster with this deck and to have piercing sometimes against some low attack monsters helps push for extra damage that wins you game. Most people don't keep one card in hand vs accel road like they do vs thunder. It's also a fire attribute and takes the place of fire golem that isn't very good. Essel is mainly to also help with turn 2 pushes and helps you brick less going second. The 1 earthbound spell is mainly just there because I didn't know what else to put but sometimes saving a srm and redirecting an attack to witch helps you save the main card you mainly want on the field. The rest of the list is kinda obvious why some cards are included. 6 1500 beaters help with those 2 turn pushes and helps makes sure you don't leave a monster on your opponent board which can be really bad for you given they have an extra resource to commit with vs you

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