
King of Games from on April 24th, 2024
Gems 68.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Legend 5 to KoG sucks. Played 6 rank-up games and dealt with a lot of 2-3 win streak disconnections.

The most important thing for this deck is to get the engine going, so going second is a real handicap as well as getting crowed or veilered or bricking.

I don't have the third copies of the twins, but still searching for them. I think they will help with the consistency issues i experienced, but we will see next month.

In terms of matchups, sky-prison hard counters this deck, so photon feels awful. Zombie match up feels bad as you get out resourced very easily. Blue-eyes(they didnt go prison for some reason most of the time) and sky striker match-ups feel okay. Didn't encounter many T.G's but herald+halbers is hard to overcome with this deck. Kaijus help in that regard, which applies to shaddoll and tenyis as well, of course all of this is true when you go second. So if you struggle against these decks maybe run the kaijus.

This deck is definetely not strong right now, but fun and strong enough to climb.

Also, there are lot of decisions when building this deck: including kaijus, including present, including more or fewer hand-traps, including 4400 atk/def boss.

I tried the version with 3 kaijus as well, but i feel like you brick a lot with them.

Present is another decision. It can win you games, but mostly bricks and if you cannot get your engine going it is just a dead card. Definetely fun and one of the more significant cards of the archetype. Takes a lot of resources when you don't have the third copies and get interrupted.

Tried more and fewer hand traps such as mourner, which can be quite helpful if you can use it on big ATK monsters since you cannot OTK most of the time, but on summon condition is quite limiting compared to veiler.

MST is still great in a deck that can afford it so i run two copies.

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Replays include many versions of the deck.

Rank-up: With kaiju: With present: More hand traps with mourner: