
King of Games from on April 2nd, 2023
Gems 45.5k + $38
20 cards

Notes & Combos

An extremely fun climb, the first part of the skill is absolutely crazy as it turns every fiend into a 1 card combo. This version is nonetheless harder to play as you have to constantly consider the restrictions of the 2 engines.

The objective of this combination is to improve the go 2nd in a very consistant way, the skill allowing to get patrulea. As decatron conflicts with the norm, I only play 1, which is perfectly fine as wandering and hot red can give you access to it. Pirmais and Harmadik are there for their good effects going 2nd, to have enough infernoid monsters to have a high chance of opening with an infernoid going 2nd and for level modulation with decatron.

I chose to play 2 crimson and 2 wandering as crimson can be really handy going 2nd and having a 2nd copy is always nice if the first got banished. However, you can perfectly play a 3rd wandering or even monster reborn instead, it can be better in different situations, for me it is too soon to tell what's the best option.

Kaiju like are really good in this meta and when you go 1st and they are technically useless, they can still serve as cost for the skill which is insane. Similar reason for playing eccentric. I used cosmic cyclone instead of lance in order to respect the timelord matchup, obviously quite popular with the fresh release, the power and the f2p aspect, but lance is really good too, especially going 1st to protect your synchro from bom, and can allow funny combo with scarlight.

Concernant the extra, I never summoned dark end and samsara, play a 2nd scarlight instead of rda if you have it, not fond of tyrant as for the same amount of cards you can otk by summoning scarlight + hot red, but you can easily play it instead of samsara as it can definitely be useful in some situations, even if I never truely needed it. I summoned red nova quite a few times for its level with red reign (very pleasant to otk when your opponent summoned 3 timelords that cannot be targeted nor dedtroyed).

Feel free to ask if you have any questions, I also would love to hear suggestions to improve the deck.

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