
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 12th, 2024

Notes & Combos

75% Win rate Live Twin

  • So I just finish my run to dlv.Max and after lose like 65% coin flip I decide to ***** it and play 7 blind second card

Tech card

  • Live twin Ki-sikil and Lil-la: a 4k4 beatstick that pretty strong to finish the game. do brick me sometime but I love this card
  • Kaiju: almost an insta win against some matchup like Tachyon or Shiranui. If you draw 2 its a pretty great way to set up OTK. The only way this deck can out Lunalight monster.
  • Enemy controller/Cynet crosswipe: a way to dodge trap/veiler instead of traditional MST/cosmic. Work pretty well since my deck mostly have to go second.
  • Mind control: A way to force Tachyon counter trap. Also another body for Unicorn/Phoenix to break the board further.
  • Balista squad at 3 is optional. I like it so I play it 3. IDP is great but you can subtitude it with floodgate traphole
  • I cut crow and Veiler as most of the time they dont perform that well and its a dead 5th card on the hand.


  • Tachyon: You win going first, going second you have to pray if you have kaiju or enough board breaking stuff
  • Shiranui: You kaiju the link 3 and win, else you lose. Just try to stop them from going link 3. The deck is quiet dificult to deal with.
  • Lunalight: almost guarantee lose. Hard counter the deck.
  • Tenyi: normal matchup. You have to be careful with all the stuff in the gy thou.
  • Constellar: actually a prett hard matchup. You need some good board break card to have a chance if going second. still a doable matchup thou.

If I have anything to improve in this deck list, I probably run 1 more kaiju and another Live Twin Home, cut 1 balista squad and go all in for the going second gameplay. The extra deck probably need another Unicorn/other boss monster instead of 3rd Lil-la, as she rarely come up.

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