
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 14th, 2024
Gems 38k + $134
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck can still brick even with 10 Crusadias plus World Crown and World Legacy Succession, either of which can work instead of a 2nd Crusadia to start the combo.

The deck also dies to a single backrow interaction if you go 2nd and don't open Crusadia Power or Forbidden Lance.

Therefore, I prefer to play no more than 3 kaijus, since they're useless turn 1 and don't improve the consistency of opening 2 Crusadias plus Power or Lance. But you do need a kaiju if you go 2nd against Tachyon. Just go first and pray they can't make 3 beaters to kill your Equimax through Arboria and Three Effects.

It's nice that World Crown can make your Equimax 4000 atk if you need to attack directly, but that's not too common, and its effect to negate and destroy an extra deck monster doesn't come up very often either. It is searchable with Crusadia Krawler, but so is World Legacy Succession.

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