
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 13th, 2024
Gems 40k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The hardest KC CUp i had ever played so far because of the Galaxy Eye Tachyon Deck, which is Tier 0. If you understand how to play Altergeist deck, and a little bit of luck of getting first turn and "Multifaker" in your hand, you can beat most of the deck.

If it wasn't because of galaxy eye tachyon deck i wouldn't bring that insta-kill trap card for it :). Also if you think that trap card is not enough for you to get it, even with 3 copies, why not try "Debunk"? It is crazy that it negate most of the meta deck right now.

Things i negated with Debunk throughtout my level climbing:

i) Galaxy Eye Tachyon -> "Nebula Dragon", "Galatical Spiral Dragon"

ii) Shiranui -> "Shiranui Spectralsword" from skill

iii) Madolche -> "Madolche Petingcessoeur"

iv) Ancient Warrior -> "Most of the Monster Effect from hand"

v) Constellar -> “Constellar Caduceus”

and more you can ever think about.

Overall, I think Altergeist is a crazy deck that makes your opponent fustrated if you have the combo on it. And why not try "Debunk"? i think it is pretty good, and its free, why not just bring into your deck? :D

Feel free to ask question about Altergeist deck, i might not be the strongest Altergeist player in the world but i will try my best to help based on my thoughts. See you and....

.#StopTachyonDeck :)

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i) Triple Altergeist Kunquery attack negate in a battle phase. Watch it. It is funny. XD

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