
KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 9th, 2024
Gems 50k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

** Back to KC Max Level with Altergeist once again. This time it is much easier compared to "Tachyon Cup" back earlier. But in exchange, there is still alot of hard matchup using Altergeist deck. **


** Finally had 3 Meluseek from dream ticket and its even consistent than before. Since tachyon is dead, the deck dont required mischief anymore. (still can be used to interrupt T.G, but havent tried yet) Other trap remains as standard with Paleozoic. **


The Transmigration Prophecy is so strong despite with the current meta deck as they required to play around with GY. If you noticed the current tier list :

  1. Blue-eyes
  2. Sky Striker
  3. Tech Genus
  4. Zombies
  5. Galaxy Photon
  6. Mayakashi
  7. Shiranui
  8. Tenyi

All these required to play around with GY (Not much for Blue-eyes due to Ultimate Fusion ONLY.), and this card interrupt them pretty decent.


Overall, i think there's still pros and cons depending on your matchup and also not to get turn 2 all the time. (that's me T_T) If you have a good start you are most likely to be invulnerable to any of the current meta deck (except Sky Striker). Leave a comment below if you have any questions about Altergeist deck.


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