
1st Place in Anytime, Season 58 from on February 7th, 2023
Gems 41.5k + $121
26 cards

Notes & Combos

I decided to add chalice and use 1 of every limited 3 so It helps to save the most my masters negates and to increase variety since KCC is a Bo1 non-side deck format.

In case of mind control, it is one of the best monster removal and goes great with Borreload, this way you are able to reduce your opps monster field by 2 just like that.

Finally, World chalice succession helps to one card recovery or to avoid using your only 1 gouki re-match or to turbo summon borreload jointly with typhoon/DAI which is a GG against INFERNOID. Yes, in capital letters cause gdmn we all hate that deck.

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