The Power Leads to Destiny

Reveal 1 card in your hand to the opponent. Depending on the card you have revealed, you can use each of the following effects once per Duel.
- Normal Spell Card: Send 3 "Evil HERO Malicious Edge" from outside of your Deck to the Graveyard. During this Duel, you can Normal Summon/Set "Evil HERO Malicious Edge" without Tributing.
- "Super Polymerization": Set 1 "Supreme King's Castle" to your field from outside of your Deck and add 1 "Evil HERO Malicious Bane" to your Extra Deck.
This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains at least 1 "Super Polymerization", at least 9 monsters, and no monsters other than "Evil HERO" or "Elemental HERO" monsters, as well as an Extra Deck that contains at least 2 Fusion Monsters and no Fusion Monsters other than "Evil HERO" monsters.