
  • This is a showcase of the spiciest non-Tier List decks that have gone on large win-streaks in Legend, KoG, or a DLM Point Battle in the DLM Discord.
  • Chosen by the DLM Community, these spicy decks were the most popular this week!
  • All lists have at least a 5 winstreak.
  • At the end of the Month, the top two spiciest decks win Meta Tickets!
  • To submit your own Spicy Streak, head on over to the Discord and post your Spicy Deck in the "Spicy Winstreak" channel

Spicy Decks

- Cyber Style (11 Wins)

30 cards
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Desperado Barrel Dragon
Desperado Barrel Dragon
Desperado Barrel Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Cannon
Cyberdark Cannon
Cyberdark Cannon
Cyber Dragon Core
Cyber Dragon Core
Cyber Dragon Core
Future Fusion
Overload Fusion
Overload Fusion
Overload Fusion
Cyberload Fusion
Cyberload Fusion
Super Team Buddy Force Unite!
Super Team Buddy Force Unite!
Cybernetic Overflow
Needlebug Nest
Cyber End Dragon
Cyberdarkness Dragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon

Phlouza - Cyber Angels (10 Wins)

Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Idaten
Cyber Angel Idaten
Cyber Angel Idaten
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Sonic Bird
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals
Cyber Petit Angel
Cyber Petit Angel
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
Machine Angel Ritual
Machine Angel Ritual
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Number 25: Force Focus
Photon Strike Bounzer
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Inzektor Exa-Beetle
Sword Breaker

tommy_g - Vampire (9 Wins)

29 cards
Vampire Duke
Vampire Duke
Vampire Duke
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Familiar
Vampire Familiar
Vampire Vamp
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Vampire Sorcerer
Dragged Down into the Grave
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Vampire Kingdom
Vampire Kingdom
Vampire's Desire
Vampire's Desire
Vampire's Desire
Vampire's Domain
Vampire Awakening
Vampire Awakening
Vampire Awakening
Vampire Takeover
Number 39: Utopia
Number C39: Utopia Ray
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Steelswarm Roach
Crimson Knight Vampire Bram
Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition

Frost - Inzektors (8 Wins)

Inzektor Centipede
Inzektor Centipede
Inzektor Centipede
Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Hornet
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
Inzektor Giga-Mantis
Inzektor Ladybug
Inzektor Ladybug
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Cocoon of Ultra Evolution
Enemy Controller
Treacherous Trap Hole
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Digital Bug Corebage
Inzektor Exa-Stag

Zynee - Gaia Neos (8 Wins)