
  • This is a showcase of the spiciest non-Tier List decks that have gone on large win-streaks in Legend, KoG, or a DLM Point Battle in the DLM Discord.
  • Chosen by the DLM Community, these spicy decks were the most popular this week!
  • All lists have at least a 5 winstreak.
  • At the end of the Month, the top two spiciest decks win Meta Tickets!
  • To submit your own Spicy Streak, head on over to the Discord and post your Spicy Deck in the "Spicy Winstreak" channel

Spicy Decks

- Dracoslayer (10 Wins)

- Monarchs (7 Wins)

- Infernity (9 Wins)

20 cards
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Beetle
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark World Dealings
Dark World Dealings
Into the Void
Into the Void
Into the Void
Infernity Launcher
Infernity Launcher
Infernity Launcher
Dragged Down into the Grave
Card Advance
Card Advance
Infernity Barrier
Infernity Break
Infernity Break
Coral Dragon
Infernity Doom Archfiend
Stardust Charge Warrior
Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Diamond Dire Wolf

- Dark Magician (5 Wins)

20 cards
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Ebon Illusion Magician
Ebon Illusion Magician
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Photon Strike Bounzer
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Inzektor Exa-Beetle

Dango - D/D/D (11 Wins)