
  • This is a showcase of the spiciest non-Tier List decks that have gone on large win-streaks in Legend, KoG, or a DLM Point Battle in the DLM Discord.
  • Chosen by the DLM Community, these spicy decks were the most popular this week!
  • All lists have at least a 5 winstreak.
  • At the end of the Month, the top two spiciest decks win Meta Tickets!
  • To submit your own Spicy Streak, head on over to the Discord and post your Spicy Deck in the "Spicy Winstreak" channel

Spicy Decks

Shaowz - Vampires (12 Wins)

Vampire Duke
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Retainer
Vampire Familiar
Vampire Familiar
Vampire Vamp
Vampire Grace
Vampire Red Baron
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Vampire Sorcerer
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Enemy Controller
Forbidden Chalice
Vampire Kingdom
Vampire's Desire
Vampire's Desire
Vampire's Domain
Vampire Awakening
Vampire Awakening
Vampire Takeover
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Steelswarm Roach
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Inzektor Exa-Beetle
Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition

D.D.KENN- D/D/D (6 Wins)

20 cards
D/D Swirl Slime
D/D Swirl Slime
D/D Swirl Slime
Evil HERO Infernal Gainer
D/D Vice Typhon
D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon
D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon
D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon
D/D Nighthowl
D/D Nighthowl
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Dark Contract with the Gate
Dark Contract with the Gate
Dark Contract with the Gate
Dark Fusion
Dark Fusion
Breakthrough Skill
Breakthrough Skill
Treacherous Trap Hole
D/D/D Flame King Genghis
D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok
D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf
D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf
D/D/D Oracle King d'Arc
D/D/D Gust High King Alexander
D/D/D Gust High King Alexander

- Six Samurai Red-Eyes (8 Wins)

Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight
Black Metal Dragon
Black Metal Dragon
Black Metal Dragon
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Fang with Chain
Red-Eyes Fang with Chain
Powerful Rebirth
Powerful Rebirth
Return of the Six Samurai
Return of the Six Samurai
Return of the Six Samurai
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon
Armades, Keeper of Boundaries
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
Ally of Justice Catastor
Heroic Champion - Excalibur

Khan - Lightsworn Blue-Eyes (19 Wins)

26 cards
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
The White Stone of Ancients
The White Stone of Ancients
The White Stone of Ancients
Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Bacon Saver
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Charge of the Light Brigade
Charge of the Light Brigade
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
Solar Recharge
Solar Recharge
Solar Recharge
Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
Vermillion Dragon Mech
Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
Fortune Lady Every
Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
Samurai Destroyer
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis

LiquidLoan - Dark World Invoked (5 Wins)