Tournament Information


  • 87 Players.
  • Single Elimination
  • No Banlist
  • 1 Deck
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

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Full Decktype Breakdown

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $20 USD

1st Place –

30 cards
Trickstar Corobane
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Trickstar Candina
Trickstar Candina
Orcust Harp Horror
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcustrated Babel
Trickstar Light Stage
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Topologic Bomber Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Knightmare Phoenix

2nd Place –

30 cards
Trickstar Corobane
Trickstar Candina
Orcust Harp Horror
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcust Brass Bombard
Orcustrated Babel
Trickstar Light Stage
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Orcustrated Return
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Knightmare Phoenix

3rd/4th Place –

21 cards
Gouki Suprex
Gouki Suprex
Gouki Suprex
Gouki Riscorpio
Gouki Twistcobra
Gouki Twistcobra
Gouki Headbatt
Gouki Headbatt
Gouki Headbatt
Gouki Octostretch
Gouki Re-Match
Reinforcement of the Army
Monster Reborn
Gouki Finishing Move
Hey, Trunade!
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Firewall Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
Gouki Thunder Ogre
Gouki The Master Ogre
Gouki The Great Ogre
Knightmare Phoenix
Gouki Jet Ogre
Gouki Jet Ogre

3rd/4th Place –

24 cards
Orcust Harp Horror
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcustrated Babel
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Orcustrated Release
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Knightmare Mermaid
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator