Tournament Information
- Free Entry; $30 USD Prize.
- How to join: The A-Cup Discord
- 1 Deck 7 Card Side
- 4 Rounds of Swiss into Top 16
- This is NON-Meta Tournament. This includes the decks on the DLM tier list.( also banning Standard HEROs (Vision HERO Faris into Stratos pop into otk), Cydra, Thundra, Dragunity, and Weather Painter. You MAY splash Ritual Beast Tamer Winda and Neos Fusion.)
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- Loading... (Invoker and other fusions are fine..Cocytus still banned)
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- Loading... will be Semi Limited to 2
- Loading... will be limited to 1
- Loading... will be limited to 1
Banned Skills
- Destiny Draw
- Endless Trap Hell
- Mythic Depths
- Normal Konami Banlist still applies