Tournament Information


  • 69 Players.
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

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Top Decklists - Prize Support: ¥1,500 yen

1st Place – ラー

23 cards
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Pollux
Constellar Pollux
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Rasalhague
Constellar Rasalhague
Constellar Rasalhague
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Living Fossil
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Constellar Star Chart
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Pleiades
Abyss Dweller
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Constellar Omega
Constellar Praesepe
Knightmare Phoenix

2nd Place – 【[땅기계]】

28 cards
Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
Machina Citadel
Machina Citadel
Infinitrack Brutal Dozer
Infinitrack Brutal Dozer
Infinitrack Brutal Dozer
Infinitrack Anchor Drill
Machina Gearframe
Infinitrack Harvester
Infinitrack Harvester
Infinitrack Harvester
Machina Air Raider
Machina Irradiator
Infinitrack Trencher
Infinitrack Crab Crane
Infinitrack Tunneller
Machina Redeployment
Machina Redeployment
Machina Redeployment
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Heavy Forward
Heavy Forward
Heavy Forward
Outrigger Extension
Card of the Soul
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
Infinitrack Earth Slicer
Number 9: Dyson Sphere
Infinitrack River Stormer
Infinitrack Mountain Smasher
Infinitrack Goliath
Infinitrack Goliath
Infinitrack Goliath

3rd/4th Place – Three oh

Tenyi Spirit - Ashuna
Tenyi Spirit - Ashuna
Tenyi Spirit - Ashuna
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda
Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda
Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
Tenyi Spirit - Mapura
Tenyi Spirit - Nahata
Tenyi Spirit - Shthana
Tenyi Spirit - Shthana
Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi
Vessel for the Dragon Cycle
Vessel for the Dragon Cycle
Heavenly Dragon Circle
Heavenly Dragon Circle
Heavenly Dragon Circle
Draco Berserker of the Tenyi
Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing
Shaman of the Tenyi
Shaman of the Tenyi
Monk of the Tenyi
Monk of the Tenyi
Monk of the Tenyi
Berserker of the Tenyi

3rd/4th Place – タカノ社労士事務所

20 cards
Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
D.D. Crow
Machina Citadel
Machina Citadel
Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
Machina Air Raider
Machina Irradiator
Machina Megaform
Machina Redeployment
Machina Redeployment
Machina Redeployment
Iron Draw
Cosmic Cyclone
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Treacherous Trap Hole
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Number 11: Big Eye
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Knightmare Unicorn
Knightmare Phoenix

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