Tournament Information


  • 18 Players
  • Swiss
  • Different decks each duel, only 1 maximum summon per duel
  • Best of 3

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $15 USD

1st Place -

3 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
3 copies
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Invasion
Rogue of Archfiend
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Shadow Buyer
3 copies
Palace Gargoyle
3 copies
Cobalt Cobolt
3 copies
Feral Imp
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
The Guard
3 copies
Sevens Road Magician
Magician's Valkyria
2 copies
Torna the Windweaver
3 copies
Sevens Road Witch
2 copies
Light Sorcerer of Sanctity
2 copies
Sevens Road Mage
Fire Golem
2 copies
Mystic Dealer
3 copies
Light Sorcerer
3 copies
Dark Sorcerer
2 copies
Straynge Cat
Shield & Sword
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Talismanic Seal Array
Sword & Shield
Widespread Ruin
30 cards
3 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
2 copies
Belsectacle Mani
3 copies
Attrashoot Hydron
2 copies
3 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
3 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
3 copies
3 copies
Connector Dog
3 copies
Dark Femtron
2 copies
Particle Acceleration
Monster Reincarnation
Talismanic Seal Array
Widespread Ruin

2nd Place - Luis Prieto

3 copies
Thunder Cavalry Triggerdrago
3 copies
Stormbolt Destroyer
2 copies
Thunder Gazelle
2 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Sensor Duckbuill
3 copies
Blast Jaws
3 copies
3 copies
Surge Bolt Lizard
Tribute to The Doomed
2 copies
Clapping Thunder
2 copies
Trailblitzing Thunderblast
Widespread Ruin
2 copies
Thunder Spark
30 cards
3 copies
Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord
2 copies
Sevens Road Magician
2 copies
Dark Magician Girl
Magician's Valkyria
2 copies
Torna the Windweaver
3 copies
Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord (L)
3 copies
Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord (R)
3 copies
Mystic Dealer
Ansler the Magical Swordsman
2 copies
Light Sorcerer
Tribute to The Doomed
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Talismanic Seal Array
Widespread Ruin
2 copies
The Barrier
2 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
2 copies
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Invasion
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Shadow Buyer
3 copies
Cobalt Cobolt
3 copies
Nessus the Star Knight
3 copies
Feral Imp
3 copies
Babysitter Goat
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
King's Majesty

Top 4 - Kio

30 cards
2 copies
Ancient Arise Dragon
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Phoenix Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Burning Blaze Dragon
Clear Ice Dragon
2 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
2 copies
Dragon Merchant
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Draco the Tiny
2 copies
Dragon's Inferno
Shield & Sword
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
2 copies
Dragonic Pressure
Widespread Ruin
Phantom Bind
2 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Growl
Royal Rebel's Rocker
2 copies
Shadow Buyer
3 copies
Palace Gargoyle
3 copies
Cobalt Cobolt
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Nessus the Star Knight
3 copies
Babysitter Goat
Tribute to The Doomed
Ghost Cyclone
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
Widespread Ruin
King's Majesty
The Guard
Music Princess's Recital
Phantom Bind
30 cards
2 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
Belsectacle Mani
Sigurstate Sol
Attrashoot Hydron
2 copies
3 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
3 copies
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
2 copies
3 copies
Connector Dog
3 copies
Dark Femtron
Tribute to The Doomed
2 copies
Particle Acceleration
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
Widespread Ruin
The Guard
Music Princess's Recital
Phantom Bind

Top 4 - polar777

30 cards
2 copies
Harpie's Pet Dragon
3 copies
Harpie Lady Sisters
2 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Harpie Lady Sisters (L)
Harpie Lady Sisters (R)
2 copies
Trick Pigeon
Cyber-Tech Alligator
3 copies
Harpie Lady
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
Faith Bird
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
3 copies
Counter Pigeons
30 cards
Barrel Dragon
3 copies
Ultimate Flag Mech Ace Breaker
2 copies
Seahorse Carrier
3 copies
Ultimate Flag Beast Aim Eagle
Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
Light Sorcerer
3 copies
Ultimate Flag Beast Avant Wolf
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Tribute to The Doomed
Talismanic Seal Array
Hammer Crush
2 copies
Barrage of Steel
Widespread Ruin
2 copies
Thunder Spark
Music Princess's Recital
31 cards
2 copies
Ancient Arise Dragon
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Seahorse Carrier
3 copies
Burning Blaze Dragon
2 copies
Clear Ice Dragon
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
3 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Tribute to The Doomed
3 copies
Dragon's Inferno
Talismanic Seal Array
Widespread Ruin
The Guard
2 copies
Music Princess's Recital

Top Tier Decks