Tournament Information


  • 55 Players.
  • Single Elimination.
  • 1 Deck, No Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

30 cards
Borreload Riot Dragon
Double Disruptor Dragon
Double Disruptor Dragon
Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon
Artifact Lancea
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Galactic Spiral Dragon
Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
Magnarokket Dragon
Silverrokket Dragon
Exploderokket Dragon
Exploderokket Dragon
Exploderokket Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Rapid Trigger
Quick Launch
Quick Launch
Quick Launch
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
Enemy Controller
Heavy Interlock
Necro Fusion
Necro Fusion
Borreload Furious Dragon
Borreload Furious Dragon
Borrelsword Dragon
Borreload Dragon
Quadborrel Dragon
Quadborrel Dragon
Flash Charge Dragon
Booster Dragon

2nd Place –

Sauge de Fleur
Sauge de Fleur
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Condemned Witch
Condemned Witch
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Trickstar Candina
Skull Meister
Skull Meister
Skull Meister
Necro Synchron
Necro Synchron
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Ice Queen
Sunseed Twin
Sunseed Genius Loci
Trickstar Light Stage
Forbidden Lance
Sunvine Sowing
Forbidden Chalice
Ice Dragon's Prison
Bottomless Trap Hole
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Charge Warrior
Chevalier de Fleur
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Sunavalon Dryas
Benghalancer the Resurgent
Sunavalon Melias
Knightmare Phoenix

3rd/4th Place –

Changshi the Spiridao
Changshi the Spiridao
Alghoul Mazera
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Mad Mauler
Burial from a Different Dimension
Burial from a Different Dimension
Burial from a Different Dimension
Ice Dragon's Prison
Shiranui Style Samsara
Shiranui Style Samsara
Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord
Skeletal Dragon Felgrand
Immortal Dragon
Shiranui Sunsaga
Knightmare Unicorn
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy
Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi
Vampire Sucker

3rd/4th Place –

Sauge de Fleur
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Chaos Dragon Levianeer
Thunder Dragonhawk
Thunder Dragonhawk
Thunder Dragondark
Glow-Up Bulb
Thunder Dragonduo
Thunder Dragonroar
Thunder Dragonroar
Thunder Dragonroar
Necro Synchron
Necro Synchron
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Batteryman Solar
Batteryman Solar
Batteryman Solar
Aloof Lupine
Aloof Lupine
Aloof Lupine
Cosmo Queen
Cosmo Queen
Gold Sarcophagus
Gold Sarcophagus
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
The Melody of Awakening Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys
Stardust Charge Warrior
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison
Knightmare Unicorn
Knightmare Phoenix

Top Tier Decks