Tournament Information


  • 59 Players.
  • Single Elimination.
  • 1 Deck, No Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

26 cards
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Pollux
Constellar Pollux
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Rasalhague
Constellar Rasalhague
Constellar Rasalhague
Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Constellar Star Chart
Constellar Star Chart
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Pleiades
Abyss Dweller
Number 39: Utopia
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
Constellar Omega

2nd Place –

Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi
Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi
Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi
Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi
Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi
Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi
Yasha, the Skeletal Mayakashi
Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mayakashi Return
Mayakashi Return
Mayakashi Return
Mayakashi Winter
Enemy Controller
Mayakashi Mayhem
Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi
Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi
Yuki-Onna, the Ice Mayakashi

3rd/4th Place –

20 cards
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Roxrose Dragon
Roxrose Dragon
Roxrose Dragon
Magician's Robe
White Rose Dragon
White Rose Dragon
White Rose Dragon
Blue Rose Dragon
Blue Rose Dragon
Basal Rose Shoot
Basal Rose Shoot
Basal Rose Shoot
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Ice Dragon's Prison
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Ruddy Rose Dragon
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
Shooting Riser Dragon
PSY-Framelord Zeta
Samurai Destroyer

3rd/4th Place –

D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Gunkan Suship Uni
Gunkan Suship Uni
Gunkan Suship Shari Red
Gunkan Suship Shari Red
Gunkan Suship Shari Red
Gunkan Suship Ikura
Gunkan Suship Ikura
Gunkan Suship Shari
Gunkan Suship Shari
Gunkan Suship Shari
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Painful Decision
Painful Decision
Enemy Controller
Ice Dragon's Prison
Ice Dragon's Prison
Abyss Dweller
Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought
Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought
Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought
Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought

Top Tier Decks