Tournament Information


  • 55 Players.
  • Single Elimination.
  • 1 Deck, No Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $20 USD

1st Place –

Rescue Hamster
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Qliphort Scout
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Qliphort Monolith
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Fullmetalfoes Fusion
Summoner's Art
Summoner's Art
Summoner's Art
Painful Decision
Painful Decision
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Metalfoes Orichalc
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior
Knightmare Phoenix
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon

2nd Place –

20 cards
Infernoid Devyaty
Infernoid Devyaty
Infernoid Decatron
Infernoid Decatron
Infernoid Decatron
Infernoid Seitsemas
Infernoid Seitsemas
Infernoid Patrulea
Infernoid Patrulea
Infernoid Patrulea
Infernoid Harmadik
Infernoid Harmadik
Void Vanishment
Void Vanishment
Void Seer
Void Seer
Void Seer
Void Feast
Void Feast
Void Feast
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Steelswarm Roach
Knightmare Unicorn
Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter
Brute Enforcer
Duelittle Chimera
Link Disciple

3rd/4th Place –

20 cards
Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall
Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall
Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall
Mekk-Knight Blue Sky
Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse
Mekk-Knight Red Moon
Swap Cleric
Swap Cleric
Swap Cleric
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
World Legacy Key
World Legacy's Memory
World Legacy's Memory
Fuse Line
World Legacy's Secret
Warning Point
Warning Point
Bottomless Trap Hole
Void Trap Hole
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star
Knightmare Phoenix
Link Disciple
Link Disciple

3rd/4th Place –

20 cards
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
Kagemucha Knight
Reinforcement of the Army
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Phantom Knights' Wing
Expendable Dai
Expendable Dai
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
Knightmare Phoenix
Link Disciple

Top 8 –