Meta Weekly Banner

What is Meta Weekly?

The Meta Weekly is a tournament that is held once a week, alternating between Tuesday 2pm EST and Wednesday 7pm EST. There is no player cap, nor is there a deadline to join - you can even join at the very last second!

Be sure to check out all the previous Meta Weekly reports.

How to Join

Subscribe on Twitch or check out the Community page for more info!


  • 111 players
  • Best of 3
  • 1 Deck 6 card Side Deck
  • Skills can be Sided - From any character
  • 4 rounds Swiss then Top 32

Top 32 Decktype Breakdown


Full Decktype Breakdown


Top 8 Decklists - Top 4 Prize Support: $450

1st Place - Negative1:

20 cards
Darklord Desire
Darklord Ixchel
Darklord Ixchel
Darklord Ixchel
Darklord Superbia
Darklord Morningstar
Darklord Nasten
Darklord Tezcatlipoca
Darklord Amdusc
Darklord Ukoback
Banishment of the Darklords
Banishment of the Darklords
Banishment of the Darklords
Hey, Trunade!
World Legacy Clash
Darklord Contact
Darklord Contact
Darklord Contact
The Sanctified Darklord
The Sanctified Darklord
Side Deck
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
World Legacy Clash

2nd Place - Bendytendy:

20 cards
Lava Golem
Aleister the Invoker
Aleister the Invoker
Aleister the Invoker
Keeper of Dragon Magic
Keeper of Dragon Magic
Keeper of Dragon Magic
Flip Flop Frog
Flip Flop Frog
Bacon Saver
Elemental HERO Neos
Elemental HERO Neos
Neos Fusion
Neos Fusion
Neos Fusion
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
World Legacy Clash
World Legacy Clash
Elemental HERO Brave Neos
Elemental HERO Brave Neos
Elemental HERO Brave Neos
Invoked Cocytus
Invoked Cocytus
Invoked Caliga
Side Deck
Lava Golem
Flip Flop Frog
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
The Regulation of Tribe

3rd/4th Place - Mioko:

20 cards
Silent Magician LV8
Silent Magician
Silent Magician
Gravekeeper's Spy
Gravekeeper's Recruiter
Gravekeeper's Descendant
Gravekeeper's Headman
Gravekeeper's Heretic
Gravekeeper's Spiritualist
Necrovalley Throne
Necrovalley Throne
Necrovalley Throne
World Legacy Clash
World Legacy Clash
World Legacy Clash
Treacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap Hole
Quintet Magician
Quintet Magician
Quintet Magician
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist
Side Deck
Demise of the Land
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Xing Zhen Hu