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What is Meta Freekly?

The Meta Freekly is a weekly tournament, held every Wednesday 1 PM EST.

Be sure to check out all the previous Meta Freekly reports.

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  • 1 Deck, 7-Card Side Deck
  • Best-of-3 Swiss, Best-of-3 Top 16
  • 4-5 Rounds Swiss then Top 16
  • Stream: GrandHarrier

Top 16 Decktype Breakdown

Full Decktype Breakdown

Top Decklists

1st Place –

Duel Runner: Duel Board (Leo)

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Xiangke Magician
Xiangke Magician
Performapal Secondonkey
Performapal Secondonkey
Performapal Secondonkey
Nobledragon Magician
Xiangsheng Magician
Performapal Radish Horse
Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus
Dragonpulse Magician
Spiral Flame Strike
Spiral Flame Strike
Spiral Flame Strike
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon
Abyss Dweller
Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider
Ebon Illusion Magician
Evilswarm Nightmare
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Steelswarm Roach
Side Deck
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Darkworld Shackles
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2nd Place –

Duel Runner: Duel Runner (Yuya)

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker
Xiangke Magician
Xiangke Magician
Performapal Secondonkey
Performapal Secondonkey
Nobledragon Magician
Xiangsheng Magician
Performapal Radish Horse
Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus
Dragonpulse Magician
Spiral Flame Strike
Spiral Flame Strike
Spiral Flame Strike
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Forbidden Lance
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon
Abyss Dweller
Number 11: Big Eye
Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider
Ebon Illusion Magician
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Steelswarm Roach
Side Deck
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Forbidden Lance
Non-Fusion Area

3rd/4th Place –

Duel Runner: Duel Runner (Yuya)

22 cards
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Fullmetalfoes Fusion
Summoner's Art
Dark Factory of Mass Production
Painful Decision
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Metalfoes Orichalc
Metalfoes Adamante
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Side Deck
Steelswarm Roach
Sword Breaker
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Enemy Controller
Metalfoes Fusion
Needle Ceiling