Tournament Information

  • Want to participate in future tournaments - join the Duel Links Meta Discord!
  • Saturday 12th May, 1pm EST / 6pm GMT
  • 7 Rounds


  • Tournament capped at 140 players
  • Best of 3, Swiss
  • 1 Deck with a 5 card Side Deck

Full Standings

View on!**

Top 32 Breakdown



Top Sponsor: FireNeo - $200

Name Donation ($)
FireNeo 200 150
SirDillweed 122
MLM ManLM 100
Yami Hammy 100

Top 16 Decklists (Main + Side Deck) - Prize Support: $2,171.10

1st Place - Stevie: $868.40

20 cards
Sylvan Komushroomo
Sylvan Komushroomo
Sylvan Komushroomo
Rose Lover
Rose Lover
Rose Lover
Sylvan Hermitree
Sylvan Hermitree
World Carrotweight Champion
World Carrotweight Champion
Sylvan Marshalleaf
Sylvan Marshalleaf
Sylvan Marshalleaf
Sylvan Guardioak
Sylvan Guardioak
Sylvan Guardioak
Tribute to the Doomed
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Treacherous Trap Hole
Side Deck
Last Day of Witch
Last Day of Witch
Warrior Elimination
Warrior Elimination
Needle Ceiling

I'm a former TCG player and YCS winner. I know people are both shocked and disgusted that Sylvans took the MCS this weekend, but I wanted to give some people perspective into why I chose this Deck from the mind of a competitive Duel Links player. I love unconventional strategies (meme Decks) as much as everyone else, but this is the Duel Links tournament with a $2000+ prize pool and I wasn't going to play anything I didn’t consider the best Deck.

My Main Deck was incredibly standard. This is the Sylvans decklist that was standardized by Billy Brake with the single copy of Loading... . I was originally running triple Loading... instead but I found that it was better to draw 1 Tribute to The Doomed and 1 Enemy Controller in most scenarios than 2 Enemy Controller. Tribute to The Doomed was also a way to get Loading... into Graveyard without committing a Normal Summon. Because the Sylvans core takes at least 16 slots in your Deck, I believed these to be the 4 best Spell/Trap options for the metagame.