Top 8 Players / Decklists - Prize Support: $1,450
64 Player Capped Tournament - September 9th 2017
Format: 2 Decks. 2 Different Characters/Skills. Must win with both decks. Double Elimination.
Top 8 Breakdown
5x Red Eyes Beatdown/TTTB
3x Psychics NMCR
2x 3SD Ninja
1x 3SD Toon Barrel Dragon
1x 3SD Toon Barrel Red Eyes
1x Tea Mill
1x Mausoleum Invader
1x BLS Creator
1x Red Eyes Balance
Justin "Noah Kaiba" Taylor: $500
1st Place- ShootMyMantlet: $652
"My psychics were definitely my MVP, I played psychics for my first game in every match and it didnt lose a single time until the finals and even then they won the mirror match immediately after"