MCS #2

Top 8 Players / Decklists - Prize Support: $1,450

64 Player Capped Tournament - September 9th 2017

Format: 2 Decks. 2 Different Characters/Skills. Must win with both decks. Double Elimination.

            Top 8 Breakdown
            5x Red Eyes Beatdown/TTTB
            3x Psychics NMCR
            ​2x 3SD Ninja
            1x 3SD Toon Barrel Dragon
            1x 3SD Toon Barrel Red Eyes
            1x Tea Mill
            1x Mausoleum Invader
            1x BLS Creator
            1x Red Eyes Balance


Justin "Noah Kaiba" Taylor: $500


MCS #2 Sponsers

1st Place- ShootMyMantlet: $652

"My psychics were definitely my MVP, I played psychics for my first game in every match and it didnt lose a single time until the finals and even then they won the mirror match immediately after"

​2nd Place- Drizzy_Drake: $333

​3rd Place- Ddempseyw: $188

​4th Place- HarambeBae: $101