• Main Phase #172
  • Main Phase 173

Tournament Information



  • 122 Players.
  • Single Elimination.
  • Play any Deck.
  • Best of 1.

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $30 USD

1st Place –

Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Technology
Ice Dragon's Prison
Warning Point
Warning Point
Warning Point
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Number 39: Utopia
Chronomaly Vimana
Chronomaly Vimana
Chronomaly Vimana
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk
Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk

2nd Place –

21 cards
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Orcustrated Return
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Orcustrated Release
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
Brute Enforcer

3rd/4th Place –

Rescue Hamster
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Raremetalfoes Bismugear
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Qliphort Scout
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Qliphort Monolith
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Fullmetalfoes Fusion
Summoner's Art
Summoner's Art
Summoner's Art
Painful Decision
Painful Decision
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Metalfoes Orichalc
Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior
Security Dragon
Imduk the World Chalice Dragon

3rd/4th Place – KingLuck16

24 cards
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Orcustrated Return
Ice Dragon's Prison
Ice Dragon's Prison
Orcustrated Release
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix

Tournament Information



  • 129 Players.
  • Single Elimination.
  • Play any Deck.
  • Best of 1.

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $30 USD

1st Place – DariusAR

30 cards
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Orcustrated Return
Warning Point
Warning Point
Orcustrated Release
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Phoenix

2nd Place –

26 cards
Mecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf
Orcust Harp Horror
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Warning Point
Warning Point
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Needle Ceiling
Needle Ceiling
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Knightmare Mermaid
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix

3rd/4th Place –

20 cards
D.D. Crow
DoSolfachord Coolia
FaSolfachord Fancia
DoSolfachord Cutia
DoSolfachord Cutia
DoSolfachord Cutia
LaSolfachord Angelia
LaSolfachord Angelia
SolSolfachord Gracia
SolSolfachord Gracia
TiSolfachord Beautia
Book of Moon
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Elegance
Solfachord Harmonia
Ice Dragon's Prison
Solfachord Musica
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
GranSolfachord Musecia
Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter
Knightmare Mermaid
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix

3rd/4th Place – Alex29

Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Chronomaly Crystal Bones
Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Tuspa Rocket
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Chronomaly Technology
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Barrage Blast
Barrage Blast
Number C39: Utopia Ray
Number 39: Utopia
Chronomaly Vimana
Chronomaly Vimana
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech
Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk
Number 36: Chronomaly Chateau Huyuk

Top Tier Decks and Guides

Be sure to check out Guides and King of Games decklists for more top tier decks and guides on how to play them!

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