Tournament Information


  • 76 Players
  • Single elimination
  • 1 Card Deck, 7 Card Side Deck
  • Best of 3

Full Standings on SmashGG

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

26 cards
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Hamster
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Rescue Rabbit
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Goldriver
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Steelen
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Volflame
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Metalfoes Silverd
Fullmetalfoes Fusion
Summoner's Art
Summoner's Art
Dark Factory of Mass Production
Painful Decision
Painful Decision
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Fusion
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Metalfoes Mithrilium
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
Metalfoes Orichalc
Metalfoes Orichalc
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Side Deck
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Archfiend Eccentrick
Archfiend Eccentrick
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Stygian Dirge
Stygian Dirge

2nd Place –

20 cards
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy Wizard
Galaxy Wizard
Galaxy Wizard
Galaxy Knight
Monster Reborn
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Shuffle Reborn
Shuffle Reborn
Shuffle Reborn
Galaxy Cyclone
Galaxy Expedition
Galaxy Expedition
Galaxy Expedition
Galaxy Zero
Galaxy Zero
Treacherous Trap Hole
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon
Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison
Side Deck
Book of Moon
System Down
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Stygian Dirge
Stygian Dirge
Non-Fusion Area
Non-Fusion Area

3rd/4th Place –

20 cards
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Archfiend
Infernity Sage
Infernity Sage
Infernity Sage
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark World Dealings
Dark World Dealings
Dark World Dealings
Into the Void
Into the Void
Into the Void
Infernity Launcher
Infernity Launcher
Infernity Launcher
Infernity Barrier
Infernity Break
Infernity Suppression
Red Wyvern
Infernity Doom Archfiend
Stardust Charge Warrior
Photon Strike Bounzer
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Inzektor Exa-Beetle
Side Deck
Coral Dragon
Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
Diamond Dire Wolf
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone

3rd/4th Place –

Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion
Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion
Meklord Army Deployer Obbligato
Meklord Army Deployer Obbligato
Meklord Army Deployer Obbligato
Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption
Meklord Emperor Wisel
Meklord Army of Granel
Meklord Army of Granel
Meklord Army of Skiel
Meklord Army of Skiel
Meklord Army of Wisel
Meklord Army of Wisel
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Boon of the Meklord Emperor
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic Canadia
Floodgate Trap Hole
Karma Cut
Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf
Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf
Gear Gigant X
Diamond Dire Wolf
Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus
Super Quantal Mech Beast Aeroboros
Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid
Side Deck
System Down
System Down
Needle Ceiling
Stygian Dirge
Stygian Dirge
Non-Fusion Area
Non-Fusion Area