• This is the sixth free subscriber-only tournament. It took place on September 27th at 7pm EDT, check out the top 4 decklists below!


  • Free entry!
  • 169 players
  • You must submit 2 decks
  • Best of 3
    • 3 card limit between decks
    • Cards limited to 1/2 or only obtainable at 1/2 count for both decks (e.g. only 1 Loading... can be used)
  • Single elimination

To join you must be subscribed on Twitch.

Giveaway Prize

  • $100
  • Top 32 priority MCS invite.
  • Top 4 receive paid/refunded MCS invite, Lifetime Discord, or 5 Meta Tickets.

You can view the full standings on smash.gg!

Top 4 Decklists

1st Place - Negative1: $60

Hi guys! Negative1 here! This is my second giveaway tournament win so I hope this means that the first wasn't a fluke.
I won the giveaway tournament with these two decks. My choices were fairly straightforward: I played the two best decks, Vampires and Amazoness. In order, I believe the 3 best cards in the game are Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... ; my decision to runs these decks were because Vamps and Amazoness are the decks that can most effectively use these cards. My vampire list was an exact recreation of Eugen Heidt's first place KC Cup list, and my Amazoness list was a hybrid of what Eugen ran in the past Meta Weekly and what I've been testing around with. Synchros were available for this tournament but I opted against them because they cannot consistently contend with the current top decks. I know I say a lot of negative stuff about how Konami handles their game but I hope that with time they will help the meta become more healthy. Thank you to Dkayed and the mods for running this tournament and twitch chat for keeping things fresh!

tl;dr netdeck good players and you'll do well

2nd Place - KSLvD: $20

3rd-4th Place - bazzy: $10