Tournament Information


  • 40 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck, 8 Cards Side Deck (Optional)
  • Best of 3

Decktype Breakdown

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place – hicham365

20 cards
Machina Fortress
Apprentice Illusion Magician
Orcust Harp Horror
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcust Brass Bombard
Orcustrated Babel
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Orcustrated Return
Bottomless Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Knightmare Unicorn
Decode Talker
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator

2nd Place –

24 cards
Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
Magnarokket Dragon
Magnarokket Dragon
Magnarokket Dragon
Silverrokket Dragon
Metalrokket Dragon
Metalrokket Dragon
Metalrokket Dragon
Allure of Darkness
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Quick Launch
Quick Launch
Quick Launch
Boot Sector Launch
Ice Dragon's Prison
Warning Point
Warning Point
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Needle Ceiling
Needle Ceiling
Necro Fusion
Borreload Furious Dragon
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
Void Ogre Dragon
Dark End Dragon
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Evilswarm Nightmare
Borreload Dragon
Booster Dragon
Side Deck
Token Collector
Token Collector
Electric Virus
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
System Down
System Down
System Down

3rd/4th Place –

Junk Synchron
Junk Synchron
Rush Warrior
Rush Warrior
Synchron Explorer
Synchron Explorer
Synchron Carrier
Synchron Carrier
Synchron Carrier
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Forbidden Lance
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Synchro Overtake
Synchro Overtake
Ice Dragon's Prison
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Stardust Warrior
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Junk Warrior
Shooting Riser Dragon
Scarred Warrior
Crystron Ametrix
Side Deck
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Bottomless Trap Hole
Drowning Mirror Force
Red Reign
Wall of Disruption

Top Tier Decks and Guides

Be sure to check out King of Games decklists for more top tier decks and guides on how to play them!