Tournament Information


  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck w/ 8-Card Side Deck.
  • Best of 3.


Check out the Bracket here!

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $30 USD

1st Place –

25 cards
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Zubeneschamali
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Caduceus
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sombre
Constellar Sheratan
Constellar Alrescha
Constellar Leonis
Constellar Rasalhague
Ayers Rock Sunrise
Ayers Rock Sunrise
Ayers Rock Sunrise
Living Fossil
Constellar Star Chart
Constellar Twinkle
Mischief of the Gnomes
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Ptolemy M7
Constellar Pleiades
Abyss Dweller
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal
Constellar Omega
Constellar Omega
Knightmare Phoenix
Side Deck
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Lancea
Book of Moon
Warning Point
Warning Point
Warning Point
Mischief of the Gnomes
Mischief of the Gnomes

2nd Place –

21 cards
Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Samurai
Shiranui Spiritmaster
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
Shiranui Spectralsword
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Gold Sarcophagus
Gold Sarcophagus
Needle Ceiling
Needle Ceiling
Shiranui Style Samsara
Mischief of the Gnomes
Shiranui Squiresaga
Doomkaiser Dragon
Abyss Dweller
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Knightmare Unicorn
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy
Vampire Sucker
Knightmare Phoenix
Side Deck
Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal
Skull Meister
Skull Meister
Skull Meister
Book of Moon
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Mischief of the Gnomes

3rd Place –

D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Solitaire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Squire
Shiranui Samurai
Shiranui Spiritmaster
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
Shiranui Spectralsword Shade
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Gold Sarcophagus
Shiranui Style Samsara
Mischief of the Gnomes
Side Deck
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Hole
Dark Hole

4th Place –