Tournament Information


  • 42 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck, 8 Cards Side Deck
  • Best of 3
  • Custom Banlist

Banned Cards

Full Decktype Breakdown


Top Decklists

1st Place – Eslam Abo Esmaeil

Madolche Petingcessoeur
Madolche Puddingcess
Madolche Magileine
Madolche Magileine
Madolche Magileine
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Ring of Destruction
Warning Point
Bottomless Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Abyss Dweller
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
Madolche Teacher Glassouffle
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Side Deck
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Chain Disappearance
Chain Disappearance
The Transmigration Prophecy
The Transmigration Prophecy
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2nd Place – Destiny Hero

20 cards
Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
Rokket Tracer
Magnarokket Dragon
Magnarokket Dragon
Magnarokket Dragon
Silverrokket Dragon
Silverrokket Dragon
Metalrokket Dragon
Metalrokket Dragon
Rapid Trigger
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Quick Launch
Quick Launch
Boot Sector Launch
Compulsory Escape Device
Necro Fusion
Necro Fusion
Necro Fusion
Borreload Furious Dragon
Borreload Furious Dragon
Dark End Dragon
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Borreload Dragon
Knightmare Unicorn
Booster Dragon
Booster Dragon
Side Deck
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Cosmic Cyclone
Enemy Controller
Mirror Force
Needle Ceiling
Needle Ceiling

3rd/4th Place – عمر مختار محمد

General Wayne of the Ice Barrier
General Wayne of the Ice Barrier
Revealer of the Ice Barrier
Revealer of the Ice Barrier
Revealer of the Ice Barrier
Speaker for the Ice Barriers
Speaker for the Ice Barriers
Speaker for the Ice Barriers
Hexa Spirit of the Ice Barrier
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
Geomancer of the Ice Barrier
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance
Galaxy Cyclone
Dark Hole
Medallion of the Ice Barrier
Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier
Winds Over the Ice Barrier
Winds Over the Ice Barrier
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
White Aura Dolphin
Graydle Dragon
White Aura Monoceros
Snowdust Giant
Side Deck
Night Beam
Dark Hole
Raigeki Break
Sakuretsu Armor
Needle Ceiling

3rd/4th Place – Alan Nabo