With the release of the new box, we have received a major meta shift with Loading... . This card will be shaping the meta for the next few months and many decks' viability have be affected as a result.
Lyrilusc forces players to use outs like Loading... / Loading... , but Eclipse in particular counters a lot of decks a high dependency on monsters (Infernoble, Sacred Beasts, Fleur variants). The increase in Droplet Usage is affecting decks like Darkfluid where the main advantage they had was its untargetable boy.
Tier 1
I understand why people think the heavy tech-centric meta would stop Lyrilusc from being Tier 1. Loading... and Loading... definitely are annoying and there are some cards that can screw over Lyrilusc, but despite this I must call it Tier 1 as it defines the entire tech meta. When Rank 4 decks are teching and making Loading... just to negate the birds from OTKing, I think it's a disservice to not call it Tier 1, especially without Droplet (it's really hard to beat them with just Eclipse).
Lyrilusc makes a lot of strategies worse by nature of being hard to stop, given the deck has ways to push through disruption and have its power plays be untargetable. Lyrilusc is forcing decks to build around it and demanding other decks to have an answer for it.
Lyrilusc has entered the meta as a strong strategy, but it seems to be the weakest of choice at the moment. However, since it forces other decks to tech into outs like Loading... and Loading... (neither of which are super easy to incorporate when factoring their downsides), it pushes other decks out of the meta.
In my opinion, Star Seraph is the best deck of the format right now and is ultimately the deck to beat. With the addition of Loading... , the deck has lost a lot of its problematic matchups and does not care about Eclipse's downside (as youre going to be beating them on the crackback most of the time).
Star Seraph is, in my opnion, the best deck in the format. It is capable of dealing with Lyrilusc just by drawing a single Loading... / Loading... . Barian Battlemorph! The Barians' White Shield is the most consistent and powerful Skill a Deck can have at the moment. Also, the addition of the 9th Extra Deck slot makes the deck scarier, since it can now run Loading... once again.