A Message from , TPC Manager

I would like to apologize for the tardiness of this Tier List. It's a quite unconventional list and as such I did not want to post it without the proper care and explanations from Top Player Council, which I simply did not have at the usual time of posting. Thank you in advance for understanding, next Tier List should be on time next Monday morning.

So, if you take a look at the Tier List you might have noticed we have removed the decks at Tier Three, and I would like to offer an explanation. This tier list is meant to be a prediction of how the Top Cut of a big tournament would look like. Each tier has certain descriptions or definitions to be fulfilled.

Salamangreat is by-far the best deck of the format. It's expected to dominate by so much that it was voted to Tier 0, and as such it has replaced Tier 1.

Odd-Eyes can't be called Tier 1 in this format because it doesn't fulfill any of the popular Tier 1 definitions. It's not "the best deck" or "the deck to beat" and it's not expected to top in a large percentage. But it does fulfill (more or less) the Tier 2 definitions: it's expected to top but not much, it's the "next best deck" or the "best counter" to the dominating deck.

Then what happens to Tier 3? Currently there are no decks that clearly fulfill the Tier 3 definitions over the rest of their Rogue decks peers. (The definition being decks that are "expected to be played in a tournament with chance of topping" or decks that "you prepare for").

The former Tier 3 decks (Burning Abyss, Galaxy Photon and HEROs), were voted off because they are not expected to be played or Top more than current Rogue decks (like D/D/D, Code Talkers, Fish Xyz, Blackwings, Tech Genus, Phantom Knights, Dark Magician, Red Eyes, Yosenju, Rose Dragon, etc.).

Any of these decks (among others) could be played in events, and even reach Top Cut, but not one stands out over the rest according to the vote. You won't prepare specifically for any of them, and techs sided against them are purely coincidental as they're primarily sided for either Odd-Eyes or Salamangreat respectfully.

This might change in the following week(s) as the format continues to develop. Some of these Rogue Decks could start to stand out, gain popularity or perhaps the new Water deck might make it to the Tier List.

It could also be acceptable if Odd-Eyes was voted off the Tier List and we end with a one deck format, in case it stops fulfilling the Tier 2 and 3 definitions.

TLDR: BA, Galaxy and HEROs were not considered good enough to outperform currently-existing Rogue decks and were thus voted off. No Rogue was considered stong enough to be voted in.

Tier 0

TPC Comments

What else is there to say about Salamangreat that hasn't been said already: it's the best deck in the game by far. So much so, that after a rather short discussion, it was voted to have no Side Meta Weeklys to avoid Salamangreat inevitably dominating Side Format. Now, even with this, it's highly unlikely that anything will get close to Salamangreat, but at least it's a start.

As for things worth reporting, there's an ongoing cool dynamic involving Loading... , the Loading... Package, Loading... , and Loading... : if Compulse is the most popular backrow, then the Ningirsu Package is preferable to deal with monsters, however, the Ningirsu Package doesn't deal well with Crackdown, which Heatleo instead completely demolishes.

These small fluctuations are probably the best variations in decklists we're gonna until the new Main BOX, however, I still find them interesting and fun to build around.

Tier 2

TPC Comments

Odd-Eyes is still trying to fight back in the Salamangreat-dominated format. While they have more of a problem with Side Deck cards like Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and/or Loading... , they fare much better in Best-of-1 formats, where they are the primary way to combat Salamangreat at the moment.

Odd-Eyes' ability to summon multiple Xyz Monsters like Loading... and Loading... backed up by techs like Loading... and Loading... is what makes them the second-best Deck in the game right now.

Tier 3

There are no Tier 3 Decks

High Potential