Tier 1
TPC Comments
Harpies are still the strongest deck of the format. The consistency of the deck just can't be reached by any other deck right now and being able to draw into your techs (especially Loading... ) is enough to win you games this format. For this reason, you will see multiple Harpie decks continue to top upcoming tournaments.
There are no changes to the Tier List as we head to a soon=to-come MCS, with Harpies remaining dominant at Tier 1. Having positive match-ups across the board combined with the deck's mobility, consistency and draw power keep it at Tier 1. As we head to the MCS we might see some interesting changes in Harpies' deck-building, with more outs to surprisingly bad matchups like Lunalights to be expected. Examples include Loading... in the Extra Deck and Loading... s or Loading... s in the Side Deck.
Harpies remain Tier 1 for this upcoming MCS. The recent deck lists has been settling down at 1 Loading... 1 Loading... and a low card count to see TTH as quickly as possible as it is a major key card in the mirror match (to the point where the player who wins is the one who sees TTH first).
Also, with the rising usage of Loading... , many Harpie Players are opting to play Loading... in either main or side deck, to allow them to still go into Loading... or Xyz Monsters and dodge the Patriarch destruction effect just with 1 Loading... . The Skill Harpies' Hunting Ground is extremely annoying and oppressive for a lot decks, since it effectively deals with backrow thus invalidating any sort of backrow strategy if they cannot deal with it going first.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Melodious continues its solid competitive performance and sits at Tier 2. Harpies are seen as a bad matchup for this deck and they need to adapt to this. The deck has a lot of tech space and its expected that we see Melodious decks using the majority of that tech space to adapt for the Harpie matchup. Cards like Loading... and Loading... are expected to be heavily-played in Melodious decks to adapt to the Harpie match up. Aside from Harpies, this deck has good match-ups across the board and has a solid place in the current meta.
Melodious has yet again proven itself as a generally strong and consistent deck. Even with Yosenju entering the meta giving Melodious another bad matchup, Melodious has been consistently performing in tournaments. As players play the deck more, builds have adapted to using more Loading... for consistency and longevity and Loading... which is generally good in all matchups but most notably against the mirror, Gaia and Yosenju. Players have also been utilizing Loading... in their side boards as a blowout card in the Yosenju matchup.
Nothing has really changed since last week for Melodius as it remains one of the most played decks of this format. As we approach the MCS this weekend, Melodious seems to be one of the best and safest decks to play for having enough room for tech cards to help with the Harpie matchup and many other rogue decks that will definitely see play in upcoming tournaments. As for the mirror match we've seen Loading... being one of the best choices to answer an opposing Loading... while also being a strong defensive card in general .