With nothing able to knock Harpies from "best deck" status, the only changes to the Tier List we see this week are in the Tier 3 category. If you aren't going to play Harpie or Melodious, you have to play something that has a favorable matchup against both. This is how Yosenju found its way into a great niche as Loading... & Loading... are both great answers to Loading... while the tech spots in the deck can be dedicated to the Harpie matchup. At the same time, Gaia & Lunalight do not share these same strengths against the best decks of the format, so naturally we have seen them fizzle out in competitive play.
Water Xyz feels like the odd man out in this Tier List, as they definitely do not have a great Melodious or Harpie matchup, but when they goes first with an ideal hand you will need both backrow removal & monster removal to play through their setup effectively. Whilst these changes at the bottom of the Tier List are interesting, the meta remains mostly unchanged as we wait for something new to shake things up.
Tier 1
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This week we once again see Harpies as the sole Tier 1 deck. The consistency and ability to OTK any deck in the meta makes Harpies the best deck in the game right now. It'll be interesting to see how other decks continuously adapt to the power of Harpies.
To no surprise, Harpies remain at Tier 1. The deck profits a lot from Melodious rising in usage, keeping bad matchups like Lunalight away. The combination of Loading... , Loading... and Loading... is too much to handle for most decks, while Loading... allows the deck to draw into their Side Deck cards pretty easily as well.
Tier 2
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This week we also see Melodious as the only Tier 2 deck. Melodious is a relatively new deck, but with its graveyard control and OTK abilities, Melodious remain solid at Tier 2.
Melodious maintain their solid Tier 2 position, the deck has proven its ability to be able to take on anything you throw at it. Despite having a non-favorable matchup against the sole Tier 1 deck in Harpies, the deck is still rightfully considered the sole Tier 2 deck of the current meta. Thanks to the skill From Songstress to Maestra , this deck has high consistency and easy access to powerful and troubling boss monsters like Loading... and Loading... . Bloom Diva can be tough to out for so many decks and Schuberta can banish graveyard fuel from your opponents, as well as banishing your own traps from your grave to make Loading... live. Thanks to the skill, the deck can be played at higher card counts and still be consistent, which means that the deck can have a lot of tech space. These reasons are enough to keep Melodious at Tier 2 for now.