Tier 1

TPC Comments

Black Luster Soldier maintains its Tier 1 position in the format, despite being heavily targeted in both Side Decks and Deck choices overall. It seems that this deck is running away with its position as each week passes, with the biggest reason being its consistent plays, tech space, and ability to blowout boards going second.

Black Luster Soldier has a certain degree of stability in Tier 1, and with Loading... it can effectively deal with backrow,

Tier 2

TPC Comments

Rokket maintains its Tier 2 position, as not many decks can break through their board of Synchro Monsters and Backrow.

Having the same weaknesses as Black Luster Soldier against cards like Loading... /Loading... and Skills like Sealed Tombs . The fact that they don't have the tech space to counter this (theres only so much engine alone can do) makes Tenyi lose their Tier 1 position. That being said the deck its finally gets usage of Three Effects! back (now that changes have been implemented) so expect to see them to see more play in the upcoming weeks.

Despite its very good engine, Tenyi seems to have dipped quite a bit in the last few weeks. It seems that pure engine decks are not very reliable in this particular meta (this can also be seem in in Salamangreat's drop in perception).

Tenyi has seen a considerable drop in playability, and with minimal league and tournament results, TPC has elected to demote it from Tier 1. Despite dropping a Tier, I expect the deck to see more playability now that Three Effects! can be utilized fully.