Tier 1
There are currently no Tier 1 Decks
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It's actually amazing to see that there is still no agreed-upon Tier 1. But it really is the case that none of the top-performing decks are outperforming each other and this leaves space for slightly lower-powered decks to not be held back by the one overpowered threat a la Black Luster Soldier.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Live☆Twin is probably the most coinflip-reliant deck of the format: having a near-unbeatable Turn 1 while struggling to play going second. One of the notable things for Live☆Twin is the incorporation of Loading... and Loading... to score a +1 to discard with Loading... / Loading... / Knightmares. Additionally, while Loading... is one of the main ways to combat this deck going second, running Loading... makes it less of a problem, as you can leave two Twins up and tribute one to negate Dark Hole. It also helps in grind games, as you have to use less Link Monsters and makes consolodating ATK for lethal pushes / board clears much more manageable.
Yubel joins the upper echelons after putting up pretty consistent results this past week. Having their deck building made more comfortable after the banlist, it looks like people are settling closer and closer to "the Yubel list" but there is still a bit of experimentation in techs, which the deck can easily play a few of. It also has some nice matchups where they don't have to worry about much, and just enjoy burning the opponent to death.
Tech choices for Tenyi seem to be split between handtraps and backrow removal, with most deciding on Loading... as their tech of choice. Effect Veiler provides the deck with an additional Tuner for Synchro Summons when you can't find your way to an Loading... . This deck will continue to see play as it's both strong and doesn't mind losing the coin flip in a meta where going first is heavily-favored.
Yubel is Loading... -turbo: the deck. Outside of searching super polymerization, Yubel relies on back row or hand traps for its interruption. While builds settle, I expect Yubel to become another set 3 deck with the occasional hand trap. I think this deck probably has one of the worst mirrors in the meta. I never would have thought that burn damage would be a relevant strategy, but here it is in Eternal Bond heroes.
Loading... makes Yubel a difficult deck to deal with. Couple that with the advent of Loading... and the the Yubel boss monsters, and the deck becomes more troublesome.