Tier 1
TPC Comments
D/D/D is still the best deck right now, but that doesn't mean it doesn’t need to adapt to trends. Over the past 1-2 weeks, Odd-Eyes has been creeping up in popularity, with it’s Turn 1 board of Loading... + Loading... being somewhat troublesome for D/D/D to tackle. Loading... is also average in this particular matchup. As such, we do see cards such as Loading... and Loading... coming back into the Main Deck for D/D/D to improve the matchup.
D/D/D is extremely flexible, has high power plays and accesses techs more readily compared to other decks through Loading... . Thus, it’s up to players to observe trends in the tournament scene/ladder and adapt accordingly.
D/D/D remains Tier 1 as it is just the best deck overall in the format. It has the potential to draw into techs which is a huge boost in Side format. No other deck can compete with it for now.
D/D/D is the best deck in the format, as it can Draw 3 and set up 3-4 interruptions going first and it can sack going second thanks to its wide toolbox of cards. The deck is even stronger in Side format, as it can draw side cards with Loading... and it can negate opponents' Side Deck S/T Cards with Loading... .
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Once again, little has changed for Gandora as it remains Tier 2. This deck does have some weaknesses, however. It has a good matchup spread across the board, it has a good match up against D/D/D and Odd-Eyes. The latter match-up is maybe not too favoured but as were seeing more and more Odd-Eyes builds playing smaller card-counts with less disruptive backrow, making the matchup easier for Gandora. However, Gandora's primary weakness is disruption and Side Deck. This deck needs to be able to go plus with Xyz plays into Loading... and/or Loading... , and if they're disrupted this deck slows down a lot, which makes it much it worse. Side is another issue for this deck, as common side cards like Loading... can completly shut down this deck, and due to being forced to play higher card counts, its not very likely for the Gandora player to see their own Side Deck cards in a match. So between some weaknesses and a good matchup pool that's trending slightly upwards, this deck remains at Tier 2 for now.
Gandora is the best Loading... user and the theoretical best D/D/D counter. It doesn't have a great Metalfoes or Odd-Eyes matchup.