With Spectre's Sunavalons and an expected new BOX around the corner. TPC has decided on a more svelte list for the time being as the core tenants of this meta has been more-or-less solidified.
Tier 1
At this point, Phantom Knights are Tier 1 due to being the deck you have to side against. People are running Loading... , Loading... and Loading... mostly because the PK match-up. As a result PK, itself may have have fewer opportunities to win tournaments, but it's the foundation on which the meta is built.
Tier 2
Tier 3
Off the Tier List
TPC Comments
Tech Genus and Zombies are both similar in the vein of being Synchro-based combo decks with limited tech space. In a meta where Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... exist: you need to draw the out. Having fewer opportunities to do so ends up in more situations where you simply don't get to play.
Zombies are the biggest victim of circumstance, as they can't play through any of the floodgates and have room for at most 3 Techs (Generally Loading... ). The problem with Chalice is that it's not a perfect answer, being unable to answer the lingering floodgates in Dweller and Lancea.
Tech Genus is a little better off, being unable to play through Ophion and Winda but able to play through Lancea/Dweller. The deck, however, lacks recovery tools, and with decks like Phantom Knights (that can revive chump blockers from the GY) and Performage (that can blank out damage), Tech Genus' strategy of quickly ending the game is not nearly as effective. It should be noted that new builds featuring Loading... have seen play, but the success over other variants is debatable.
It also should be noted that both of these decks are competitively viable and will have decent-to-good showings from time-to-time.