The newest Main BOX Solflare Lightning has brought us the long-awaited Orcust Support, new archetypes in Magistus and S-Force, and support for old decks like Galaxy Photon, Onomat, and Chronomaly, bringing new avenues for competitive viability. For Free-to-play players, Loading... from the "Limited 3 Trio" is also finally available.
Tier 1
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Orcust has dominated the early meta, with strong performances in recent tournaments. Orcust players have the option of running a tech-heavy pure build with Skills like Sealed Tombs , Three Effects! , Switcheroo or LP Boost Alpha . Alternatively they have the option of using Skill-based engines like Gandora or Crystal Beasts at the cost of tech slots.
Pure Orcust: Since the deck has no issue going first, they use going-second techs like Loading... , Loading... and Loading... .
Gandora Orcust: Summoning two monsters establishes Loading... going first, with Gandora monsters going second to force backrow.
Crystal Beast Orcust: Heavily-reliant on opening Loading... to combo. This version plays the best under Loading...
The meta has shifted towards Orcust as the new Tier 1 Deck. Players are still deciding between engines, Limit 1 Cards, and Skills at the moment, so its hard to say which version will come out on top.
The strength and consistency of Orcust going first needs no discussion. They might be more dominant if not in side format. Right now, people are still testing various types of builds, each having its own advantages.
Orcust seems to be the strongest deck of the new format and forces players to build their decks with that in mind. Loading... 's destruction protection and the option of summoning it as an interruption makes some cards like Loading... , Loading... and others much less effective. Another way Orcust warps the meta around it with the inclusion of handtraps like Loading... or Loading... , usually only seen in the Side Deck, into players' Main Decks. As a side effect, decks like Phantom Knights or HEROs will struggle more, while other decks that are completely unaffected like Chronomaly or Solfachord can attempt to exploit this.
Tier 2
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