Tier 1
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If we look at the previous meta, decks were trying to floodgate as much as possible (Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , etc.). Agents are the evolved form of this philosophy, as they can not only search Lancea, but Loading... and/or Spell Negation in the form of Loading... . Agents' turn 1 board is strong, oppressive even (Loading... + Loading... + Loading... + Loading... + Loading... /Loading... ). The deck is strong going first but they can struggle going second, as they need to resolve Loading... to swarm the field, and they are weak to Loading... and Loading... themselves.
Blue-Eyes remains dominant, but takes a step back with Agents' arrival on the scene. The combination of Loading... + Loading... + Big Beaters is enough to be competetive against any meta deck (even Agents in some scenarios).
Tier 2
TPC Comments
In regards to "Borrel Link": there are nore optimal builds yet. This deck has many version being tested at the moment (with/without Loading... Lock, with/without Loading... . with/without Loading... , etc.).
The Turn 1 for this deck is decent, ending on Loading... + Loading... to pop a monster, Loading... to negate a summon, and Loading... to go into Loading... for an extra pop (optimally with Loading... in hand as well).
The ability to search Lancea (through Loading... ) gives the Deck a high chance of making it to Turn 3. Going second, Borrel Link is very aggressive thanks to the free Loading... (one pop and free Link Material) and the chance of summoning Levianeer for a non-targeting pop 2.
While the deck is weak to Lancea itself, it can still make some decent plays while playing through it (At Least the Borreload + Magnarokket set-up).
The Iblee lock version not only floodgates the opponent, but turns on your Borreload Link Turn 1 as well (since it provides a body to your opponent's board).
Tier 3
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