A Word From , TPC Manager

Hello all, in light of the recent balance update, the Top Player Council will walk through the current Tier List decks and how the recent Balance Update has affected them.

Current Tier List

Tier 1

TPC Comments

The banlist just outright shocked everyone, only really nerfing D/D/D and Burning Abyss, but also releasing Loading... from the banlist which boosts Fusion decks. BA got Loading... and Loading... hit to 3 most notably to stop their use of Loading... . This is quite a big hit for them, but it is very unlikely that it will remove them from their Tier 1 spot. You have the option of running 2 Farfa and 1 Skill Prisoner, 2 Farfa and 1 Levi, or 3 Farfa on it's own. Loading... and Limit 2's go untouched for this deck, which is a huge bonus for BA. D/D/D well... this was a big one with Loading... to 1 and Loading... to 2 definitely nerfs if not kills Loading... , which is the card that made this deck very consistent as it allowed you to draw three extra cards on your very first turn. However, D/D/D may not die with this hit, as people may decide to go back to the more defensive D/D/D, which includes Loading... and Loading... which is unironically not bad against Burning Abyss as they have likely lost access to Loading... or at least they can only play 1 copy of it. This was a very interesting banlist and has shaken how both BA and D/D/D will be played, we can only wait and see what is in the future for both these decks.

Konami hit the best decks of the format but it might not be enough for them to lose their spots at the top.

D/D/D might return to the flip version with 3 Loading... and 3 Loading... after losing consistency and access to limit 2s. Even for the "combo" version the nerf doesn't seem that bad at first glance, as it didn't need Loading... going second.

BA can adapt and switch up their techs to replace Loading... and Loading... with cards like Loading... and...umm...Loading... so they stay at the top.

While D/D/D and Burning Abyss are the obvious "losers" of this banlist, it should be mentioned that none of them got nerfed to unplayability. D/D/D can still get away with running 3 Loading... s and 3 Loading... s to consistently combo off, although losing a more explosive turn 3 (D/D Orthros} pop or Loading... add back (set up by the skill) does hurt.

Burning Abyss loses Loading... (Metalfoes players rejoice), but a 1-of Loading... is still playable, or, if you want to cover for the mirror, Loading... isn't even a bad option.

I don't think these two will lose their spot as the two best decks until a new box drops, so, for those of who invested gems lately in these, don't worry about it.

While the sudden banlist with the limiting of Loading... to 1 , Loading... to 2 and a skill change may seem like a killer hit, in reality D/D/Ds are still going to be playable and might even still be up there as one of the best decks in the format, albeit with a little adjusting to current builds. Of course some aspects of the deck will be lost. The deck will be slightly less grindy and consistent but other than that the deck should be just as good as it always have been.

BA got a minor slap in the wrist with Loading... and Loading... to 3, making them lose access to Loading... and Loading... , but engine-wise it is still as good as always and is likely to be the deck to beat this format.

Invoked players rejoice as their Loading... searcher is set free, but let's be real that deck probably won't do much anytime soon if they don't receive their better Fusion monsters. Unless... Konami you listening? 😳

Not sure what the Ancient Gear skill change does, I read it over and over again and it just seems to be wording changes but I am a Yu-Gi-Oh! player and reading is hard so please feel free to correct me

Tier 2

There are no Tier 2 Decks

Tier 3