After the last banlist, clearly, the meta has transitioned to a weirdly balanced state, as there is currently no dominating deck.
Additionally, the stronger decks in the meta have notable weak points (whether it be consistency, follow-up, or speed) and have a counter, so the meta feels oddly circular.
Even though the decks in Tier 2 have similar power-levels, no deck has stood out as an obvious Tier 1, leading to this awkward transitional state of the Tier list.
We will see if the recent rise of Rose Dragon and the adaptations to it will result in a more well-defined meta, but for now every deck including Rose Dragon have clear weak points and the Tier List will reflect as such.
This week's Tier List is diverse to say the least. Most notably, Phantom Knights and Rose Dragons have come to the List, with D/D/D being kicked down a notch, and HEROs moving up to Tier 2.
Tier 1
There are currently no Tier 1 Decks
Tier 2
TPC Comments
The banlist included a very obvious nerf to D/D/D. While the consistency hit was plain to see, the deck is very far from being D/D/Dead.
Although HEROs have moved up, they are still facing a huge threat in the newly-tiered Rose Dragons, having a notably bad match-up against the deck, As such, many HERO players will need to start preparing for this deck (if they have not been already).
What seemed to be the Tier List that would have consecrated HEROs to Tier 1 instead turned out to be one of the most transitory lists we've ever had, with it being the first ever Tier 1-less list. What went wrong?
Well, we could say the biggest reason for this happening was the skill rebalancing, which buffed Spell of Roses . Rose Dragons have an insanely good HERO matchup, and it single-handedly saved the format from a potential Tier 1 HERO Meta. Now, Rose Dragons themselves are definitely not the best deck by any mean: they're consistent but not perfect in that regard. You will brick here and there, plus, they have their own bad matchups, mainly against Burning Abyss. Burning Abyss itself isn't the best deck (At least so far, it's my candidate for Tier 1 status in the next few weeks), given the struggles the deck has outing big boards alongside all its previously known problems. D/D/D is still powerful but far from being what it was in the last banlist, which also doesn't make it a good candidate for Tier 1.
Therefore, we are somehow left with this awkward blank where not only there isn't a best deck, but all of the supposed top decks aren't strong enough to reach numbers expected from a Rier 1 deck, which results in each one of them being instead placed in Tier 2 for the time being.
Everyone has their eyes on Rose Dragons due to their recent successes, and 1 card Synchro Summonss are nothing to scoff at, especially since into Loading... with three sets (and potential follow-up) can be daunting. On top of that, popping their backrow can be very risky, as there is a chance of hitting Loading... , triggering a free Loading... . After the first turn, Rose Dragons can threaten a Loading... almost every turn, with a toolbox of Loading... to force out Loading... , Loading... to deal with problematic cards, and the ability to banish all cards from each players Graveyard in the deck’s boss monster Loading... . As we have seen, I don’t believe this deck’s recent successes were flukes, although it is still too early to call this ‘best deck’ as many players are still unfamiliar in this match-up. Regardless, as time goes on, people will learn the match-up, and properly side against this deck, I believe we will see a more balanced and stabilized meta.