There are no changes this week. Given that this is the cardpool we have going into worlds (outside of Loading... (a Normal Level 6 Pendulum Monster) from the last event), don't expect any changes until then. Not only the meta is stabilized, but also there isn't really a drive to innovate, since, except for the 24 WCS players, there isn't really anything to play for outside of small weekly tournaments, which leaves to the small number of players active in summer the comfort of not having to swap anything out and continue to play their favourite decks from last format.

Tier 1

TPC Comments

TPC has been solidified on the top two decks for a while now, as they either have incredibly high ceilings in the case of Odd-Eyes or a consistently high floor in the case of Speedroids. The card advantage and consistency provided by their respective Skills push them over the top of similar decks.

Tier 2

TPC Comments

TPC have kept Trickstar and Orcust at Tier 2, with the former having relatively deep tech access on top of a tight consistent core, while the latter essentially being a more-bricky, more tech-heavy version of Odd-Eyes , which is still powerful in its own right due to the sheer power the Orcust cards provide (despite losing Loading... 1-card starters, now that was a fever dream).

This week, Pure Orcust had a great performance in tournaments, matching - if not slightly surpassing - the performance of Odd-Eyes. Despite Odd-Eyes' optimal turn 1 being the best in the game at the moment, it’s held back by consistency issues. However, Pure Orcust is not without its weaknesses: the deck is vulnerable to interruptions - some hands simply lose to a single Loading... .

Tier 3