At this point in the format it seems that deckbuilding has been largely solved and most of the meta settled down. The Power Rankings are almost the same as the current Tier List because there‘s just not many surprises we expect to happen. I will try my best to comment on what I think are some of the standard deckbuilding trends that have solidified themselves.

Tier 1

TPC Comments

At this point most agree that Odd-Eyes Orcust is the best deck of the format, even though it doesn't have great consistency, as the optimal turn 1 is almost unbeatable. Additionally, it has the best Turn 2 that doesn't depend on techs.

The Orcust version of Odd-Eyes with Loading... has become dominant, as its inclusion helps with the decks primary problem: consistency, since it can search a Level 6 to access Loading... more often.

The "pure" Odd-Eyes versions, on the other hand, has a little more variety, between incorporating Trickstars for free Level 4s and backrow removal and Beatrice to mill Loading... to end on Loading... . However both have their problems and I don't think there's any non-Orcust version that would be higher than Tier 3 right now.

The Orcust version of Odd-Eyes is still a Tier 1 threat, as its incredibly hard to play through their ideal Turn 1 of Loading... + Loading... + Rank 4/6 Xyz Monster. If the Orcust engine is not opened, the deck can solve that by going into Loading... with the help of Loading... /Loading... . At the same time, Beatrice can create problems for opponent by sending a Loading... or Loading... (against Trickstar). It's also a good coincidence that Loading... and Loading... are Level 6s for Beatrice. Not to mention, the deck always has OTK potential with Loading...

Speedroid is probably the deck with the least room for innovation, the only differentiating cards in topping lists are the amount of Loading... s, Loading... s, Loading... s or Loading... s (and sometimes some Extra Deck cards).

Speedroid remains powerful and consistent. The deck usually has 12-13 monsters and 7-8 techs. Techs are usually varying armounts of Loading... , Loading... , Loading... and sometimes Loading... (which is slightly better than Book against matchups like Trickstar}.

Tier 2