With the new BOX releasing yesterday, Top Player Council didn't feel super confident in making any drastic changes to the Tier List for this week. Their confidence in the list pre-box coupled with how the new content will undeniably change matchup dynamics has lead to this more conservative Tier List. Expect more significant changes come next week.

Tier 1

There are no Tier 1 Decks

Tier 2

Tier 3

High Potential

Chronomaly, Star Seraph, and Shark are all very similar at a glance, but come with some key differences.

  • Star Seraph has a very good Skill, allowing the Deck to summon a Rank 4 Xyz every turn by having a single monster in hand.
  • Chronomaly can't swarm the field as easily, but Loading... + Loading... is a strong board.
  • Shark is very similar to Chronomaly, ending in Dweller + Loading...

The simultaneous introduction of Star Seraph, Chronomaly and Shark is a bad omen for any deck reliant on activating Graveyard effects. Prior to this BOX's release, Performage had consistent access to Loading... as well as an engine that could play competent defense, yet decks like Unchained, Fleur, and Shaddoll saw varying levels of success. I believe Konami has done them aa disservice, giving them a format where Dweller is more prevalent. While previously, the dominant matchup spread of Performage was largely ignored, the fact that these new additions have consistent Dweller access (in part thanks to their respective Skills) means that Graveyard-reliant strategies will likely become less relevant.

Similar to Shark and Star Seraph, Chronomaly can summon Loading... consistently. Thanks to Hope-Filled Chronomaly and the new support Chronomaly can end on a Dweller/Loading... + Loading... (allowing them to summon a Vimana on the opponent's turn). Loading... is an extender for the deck and Loading... / Loading... are searchable with the Skill, so the overall consistency and resiliency has increased.