This is the first Tier List from this season's Top Player Council!
Tier 1
TPC Comments
Now that we're in a coinflip meta, Tenyi is the only deck that can play well going first or second (even against Constellar/Live☆Twin boards). Additionally, it's going-first board is hard to break thanks to Loading... . This deck is probably going to be the best-deck in Best-of-1 environments, but in Side formats (where decks can bring in Loading... ) decks like Live☆Twin and Constellar can make it harder for the deck to shine. Despite this however, Tenyi is still a Tier 1 deck.
As most decks have a strong going-first strategy. Tenyi is one of the few decks capable of dismantling boards going second, while still having a strong Turn 1. Tenyi is definitely the strongest deck of the format.
By now, everyone knows Tenyi. It's been in the meta long enough for people to understand its strengths (and weaknesses, although few). It’s the deck that by far performs best going second out of all meta decks right now, which makes the deck standout, as its Turn 1 is also good enough to do as well as the other meta decks that perform drastically worse going. Most other decks tend to depend more on generic techs to survive going second, while Tenyi’s archetypal characteristics does great on its own. With this in mind, it’s pretty easy to justify its sole Tier 1 position for the moment.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
We are in a format where turn one boards are incredibly strong. Currently, we have Live☆Twin with an extremely oppressive turn one, and Constellar can produce a simlarly powerful board (in Loading... + Rank 4 Xyz). This allows players to totally shut down GY decks like Tenyi or Mayakashi with Loading... and Pleiades. Constellar outs any monster in the format (unlike Live☆Twin, struggling against large bodies and untargetable monsters) but their Turn 2 is incredibly weak.