Tier 1
TPC Comments
Magnet are now Tier 1, no suprises there. The deck continuously performs well in the tournaments. It especially thrives because this is a very weak meta. The deck rewards good plays and good players who are good with managing their resources and utilizing their toolbox.
Magnets finally reach Tier 1, after a few weeks of a lot of presence at the top of tournaments. The deck simply doesn't have many unfavorable matchups, so it can play against almost anything, Harpie lost a lot of speed without 3 copies of Loading... , which helped Magnets a lot, and Melodious needs to make 2 or 3 Loading... or will otherwise certainly lose the game. Tier 1 seems very fair and long-awaited for those who like the deck. Magnets best deck lets go!
After weeks of having good performances in tournaments, Magnets finally emerge as the sole Tier 1 deck. As a Magnet player, you can easily stomp all your matchups. The only thing that scares you are Side Deck cards like Loading... , Loading... , etc. You should also be afraid of a Loading... banishing all your monsters, but we all know Melodious is not that relevant. Still, you should respect these factors that can turn the tide against you. Now that we are in the true format, we can safely declare that Magnets are truly the best deck.
Magnets are currently the best deck of the format. Having to fear only Melodious as a bad matchup while having an advantageous matchup against most other meta decks, Magnets are a very strong tournament pick at the moment. Lists around 24-26 cards have turned out to be used the most for optimal success but we have also seen 30-card builds in some Top Cuts. While I would consider Mind Scan to be the more optimal skill for the moment, Destiny Draw allows you to play multiple strong tech cards you can DDraw into like Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... or even Loading... (as well as your Side Deck cards in a Best-of-3 format).
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Gaia is the most consistent deck in the game, and it gained huge power boost with the release of Loading... which had immediate impact on the deck and the meta.
Harpies finally fall from their throne and is officially no longer the best deck. The nerf to Harpies' Hunting Ground has hurt the deck more than most people thought. The field spell no longer being a free +1 is a very big deal, as you now have to shrink your hand to use Loading... and this makes it easier for your opponent to gain card advantage over you. The deck is still good and sits at a solid Tier 2 position for now. It has a good match-up spread and Loading... is still one of the strongest boss monsters of the current meta. Overall, Harpies is still a strong deck but Harpies' Hunting Ground no longer being a free +1 makes this deck go even with many other decks, hence no longer dominant over most other decks and therefore it sits at Tier 2 for now.