
This Tier List is going to be for the Upcoming Best-of-1 KC Cup Ladder format

Tier 1

TPC Comments

For the 12th week in a row, Mekk-Knights is still on top of the tier list. A variety of choices with no clear counter makes it the perfect deck for this KCC. Still, I can not see Mekk-Knights getting 1st place this KCC, or at least not in the way it is played nowadays.

Tier 2

TPC Comments

If there was a case to be made to have this deck as the Sole Tier 2 or at Tier 1 alongside Mekk-Knight in tournament setting, now there is moreso during KCC where its sacky playstyle is favored.

Its consistency issues can be somewhat solved by the use of Loading... alongside a Gouki name in order to survive and search the remaining combo piece to follow-up.

Gouki is a deck with a linear and solid combo, which in a tournament like KCC, benefits from being able to do a greater number of duels in a shorter period of time.

Salamangreat is a consistent deck that plays with destruction techs thanks to its Link 1 Loading... which is very effective in the current meta, however Salamangreat will be more effective if there is a large number of Gouki, since the deck makes Loading... with ease and interrupts the search effects in the opponent's graveyard.

One of Salamangreat's strength is its Rank 4 Xyz setup on the first turn. But in the KCC Bo1 format this might end up less effective as choosing the correct option between Loading... , Loading... and Loading... can be hard because of generic Skills and characters with more than one Skill being used by the Top meta decks.